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Creating a first departure exercise

How to create a first departure exercise for your client
Ashli Picasso-LaCross
Updated 1 year ago

To create the first training plan for your new client, click on the client name

click on plans

and then if you're creating a departure plan, click on departures. 

You'll see there's no active plans for this new client. So click on create new plan. 

You are going to enter the target duration that you want for this client. 

When you first open up a new client, you will see this as zeros, but what you're going to put put in your target duration, you're going to put in your very first target duration. I'm going to give this a name. The client is going to be doing this on Sunday, so I'm going to call it Sunday. You can use any name you want for the plan name

and then the plan automatically generates five warmups, and I'm happy with that. 

But if I wanted to change the number of warmups, I could go down, or I could go up by pressing the minus or the plus signs. 

Then as soon as I click Save Plan, that will be a visible to my client.

Watch the Video here. 👇👇

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