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Editing vs Deleting training plans

Ashli Picasso-LaCross
Updated 1 year ago
If you have already created training plans and want to create further plans for your client, here’s how you do that.
Click on your client.
Graphical user interface, text, application

Description automatically generatedClick on plansThen click on Departures, if you are creating a departure exerciseGraphical user interface, application

Description automatically generatedScroll downA screenshot of a phone

Description automatically generated with medium confidenceAnd at the bottom you will see two options.The first option, to edit plans, allows you to either go in and edit plans that are already there or you can create a brand new plan using that button.
Graphical user interface, application

Description automatically generatedIf you click on delete plans, it won’t delete any training history on either your side or the client’s side, all it will do is it will clear this screen of plans.
When you do that, incidentally, and when you click on delete plans what happens is that clears the client’s inbox of plans too, so that when they open their app they don’t see any training plans.
And when they don’t see any training plans you’ve sent them, they can then create their own training plan.
So do think about whether you want to click the delete plan button because it does affect what can happen on the client end.
Let’s go back and have a look at what happens when you click edit plans.Graphical user interface, application

Description automatically generatedHere you have two options.Either go in an edit an existing plan, you might do this, for example, if you know that you are going to use a similar number of warm ups, you don’t want to change the plan title significantly, or you just find it an easier way to do things.
But, if you want to create a brand new plan you click on the plus button.
A screenshot of a phone

Description automatically generated with medium confidenceClick update plans.Graphical user interface, application

Description automatically generatedAnd that new plan will now be available for your client.A screenshot of a phone

Description automatically generated with medium confidence

Watch the video here 👇🏻👇🏻

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