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Plans-SA Pro App

Ashli Picasso-LaCross
Updated 1 year ago

Once you start training, your trainer is going to create plans for you to follow. 

You'll find those plans in your app. 

Each time your trainer creates a plan for you, the plan will be there waiting for you in your app. 

Let's have a look at how that works. 

Click on training, then click on the type of training that you know your trainer has set for you.

If your trainer has set you a departure plan, click on departures. 

If your trainer had set you a door as a board training exercise, you'd click on that. 

So click on departures, then choose the training plan that your trainer has suggested you work on. 

Now, these are not the plans that you will see. 

Your trainer will have very specific plan names for you and will instruct you which plan to follow.

Select the training plan that your trainer wants you to work on and click go. 

Do all the steps in the exercise that your trainer has created for you and make sure you check off each of the steps. 

Put the duration that your dog was comfortable with, and then make sure you enter really detailed notes about what happened and what went on with the training exercise.

Then click save. 

Once you do that, your trainer will be able to view the progress in that exercise.

Watch the Video here. 👇👇

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